#100DaysOfCode Day 17
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Yesterday I learned how to create my own classes in Python. They are essential in OOP.
- Stop using Camel Case when writing Python code. Easier said than done as .net loves Camel case!
- OOP is awesome if used correctly. Shared domain classes can become so much easier to work with, given they conform to a specific industry.
Case Styles
These are pretty important as every language has its own standards regarding which case style to use when.
- Pascal Case - HelloWorld
- Camel Case - helloWorld
- Snake Case - hello_world
In Python, Pascal and Snake case is used.
An object is simply a collection of data (attributes) and functions (methods) that act on those data. Similarly, a class is a blueprint for that object.
Remember the below image from this medium article.
A constructor is a part of the class (blueprint) that specifies what should happen when our object is bring constructed/created.
This is also known in programming as initializing an object.
# class User:
# pass
# user_1 = User()
# user_1.id = "001"
# user_1.username = "Rishal"
# print(user_1.username)
# Rishal
class User:
# __init__ is a constructor which we can use to define our attributes
def __init__(self, user_id, username):
print(f"{username} new user is being created...")
# These are our attributes
self.id = user_id
self.username = username
self.followers = 0
self.following = 0
# This is a method where one user follows another user
def follow(self, user):
user.followers += 1
self.following += 1
# Our two users
user_1 = User("001", "Rishal")
user_2 = User("002", "Elon")
# User 1 follows User 2
print(f"User 1 followers: {user_1.followers}")
print(f"User 1 following: {user_1.following}")
print(f"User 2 followers: {user_2.followers}")
print(f"User 2 following: {user_2.following}")
# Rishal new user is being created...
# Elon new user is being created...
# User 1 followers: 0
# User 1 following: 1
# User 2 followers: 1
# User 2 following: 0
It was another late night learning python, and I am enjoying the peace and quiet while everyone sleeps. I think I will stop fighting my inner night owl and study at night going forward.
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